
Back-up your back-up..

So, obviously Chris and I were not family planning, and definitely not trying to get pregnant.  In fact, we were trying, quite enthusiastically, NOT to. So, how did this happen?

Well, I feel like this topic deserves it’s own dedicated post because of how important it is that people understand the realities of birth control. Yes, I was on birth control. Not only was I using it, but I was using it very responsibly and correctly. Same time every day, without fail. And I got pregnant. 

So I researched and read and did what I could to find out how it was possible that this happened. But it wasn’t until I asked my doctor about it that I finally got my (rather obvious) answer; Birth Control is not 100% effective. Check out your birth control box, I’m sure on there somewhere it says that it’s over 99.9% effective or something similar. Even though I knew this, and you probably do too, nobody ever thinks that they will be the .1% of the time it fails, but I am here to tell you, YOU COULD BE. 

So don’t put all your “eggs” in one “basket”, if you know what I mean.  :)
Back-up is key.

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